EPBC referral update

Environmental approvals

Our referral to the Commonwealth Government under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) has been made public and is now back with Government for review. You can view the documents and track progress through the EPBC Act Public Portal.

The EPBC referral will determine if the project needs a further formal assessment for potential impacts to what are termed ‘Matters of National Environmental Significance’ or MNES, under the EPBC Act.

Through our studies, we’ve identified that the construction and operation of the proposed pumped hydro scheme could impact on the following MNES:

  • Barbarea australis in the lower reaches of Bull Creek

  • habitat of the Tasmanian devil and eastern quoll.

We are working to minimise impacts on these matters and conditions may be applied to the project as part of its approvals. You can find out more about the EPBC process here.

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