Proposed Great Lake Adventure Trail

Heard about the proposed Great Lake Adventure Trail and want to know about Hydro Tasmania's role in the project?

The trail is being proposed by Great Lake Adventure Trail Pty Ltd. As a majority land-owner, Hydro Tasmania must assess the potential impacts of the trail on the area's social, environmental and heritage values, as well as our own operations. Read below for an overview of the assessment process - and make sure you subscribe to receive project updates.

What is proposed?

The proposed Great Lake Adventure Trail is a multi-day walking and cycling track. If approved, the trail will circumnavigate yingina/Great Lake in Tasmania's remote central highlands.

What is Hydro Tasmania's role?

Many Tasmanians use our land and waterways to support their businesses and recreational activities, from bee keeping and rowing to festivals and irrigation. All prospective third-party users must apply for a licence - and before one can be granted - we must assess the proposed activities to make sure they don't have lasting or significant impacts on communities, the environment or our operations.

We were initially provided with a high-level overview of the proposed Great Lake Adventure trail in mid-2020. We've subsequently met with the proponent and their representatives to explain our assessment process, the type of information we would require and highlight the key issues and risks that we think require targeted consideration.

In this instance, we will be undertaking the assessment on behalf of Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) who also own land around yingina/Great Lake and following their environmental impact assessment process.

The level of Reserve Activity Assessment (RAA) that will be required is yet to be finalised. Given the scale of the proposed trail, we'd anticipate a Level 3/4 RAA may be required which would take 9 - 18 months.

Will the community get a chance to be involved?

Understanding the community's views is very important to us and your feedback will be integral to our assessment process. Ask us a question or give us a call at any time. Once the assessment process starts, we'll also offer a range of opportunities for you to share your thoughts with us, both in person, online (via this page) or over the phone.

Heard about the proposed Great Lake Adventure Trail and want to know about Hydro Tasmania's role in the project?

The trail is being proposed by Great Lake Adventure Trail Pty Ltd. As a majority land-owner, Hydro Tasmania must assess the potential impacts of the trail on the area's social, environmental and heritage values, as well as our own operations. Read below for an overview of the assessment process - and make sure you subscribe to receive project updates.

What is proposed?

The proposed Great Lake Adventure Trail is a multi-day walking and cycling track. If approved, the trail will circumnavigate yingina/Great Lake in Tasmania's remote central highlands.

What is Hydro Tasmania's role?

Many Tasmanians use our land and waterways to support their businesses and recreational activities, from bee keeping and rowing to festivals and irrigation. All prospective third-party users must apply for a licence - and before one can be granted - we must assess the proposed activities to make sure they don't have lasting or significant impacts on communities, the environment or our operations.

We were initially provided with a high-level overview of the proposed Great Lake Adventure trail in mid-2020. We've subsequently met with the proponent and their representatives to explain our assessment process, the type of information we would require and highlight the key issues and risks that we think require targeted consideration.

In this instance, we will be undertaking the assessment on behalf of Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) who also own land around yingina/Great Lake and following their environmental impact assessment process.

The level of Reserve Activity Assessment (RAA) that will be required is yet to be finalised. Given the scale of the proposed trail, we'd anticipate a Level 3/4 RAA may be required which would take 9 - 18 months.

Will the community get a chance to be involved?

Understanding the community's views is very important to us and your feedback will be integral to our assessment process. Ask us a question or give us a call at any time. Once the assessment process starts, we'll also offer a range of opportunities for you to share your thoughts with us, both in person, online (via this page) or over the phone.

We're here to answer your questions

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  • Hi, It’s hard to find out any details on this project. Is it going ahead?. If so when?. I’m an avid fly fisher/ Mt biker and have been part of building similar projects in the past on the main land. I also live in a shack in the central highlands and think it would be amazing for the area. I hear a lot of concerns regarding rubbish. From my experience the type of people that this would attract respect the environment. Take a look along the sides of the roads in these areas. I don’t think the current users respect it. I was part of the team that built the TVT from Thredbo to Jindabyne. It opened up good access for walkers/ bike riders/ fishing camping. With Parks and Wildlife involved it has become an iconic part of Australia in the past 10 years. From my experience the current situation in the central highlands is very limited. There’s a whole beautiful shore line out there to explore. Let’s do this! Happy times😃

    Jock asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Jock. 

    Thank you for sharing your perspective. 

    The proposed Great Lake Adventure Trail is being explored by private proponents. 

    As majority landowner of yingina/Great Lake’s shoreline, Hydro Tasmania’s role in this project would be to assess any potential socio-economic and environmental impacts. 

    This process will commence once the project is formally submitted. 



  • Hello Jane, with the bridge and decking that will be constructed over mickeys and half moon creeks. What machinery and equipment will be used to put in the peer's and how will the machinery get into the southern end of little lake with minimal impact to the dense vegetation and soft ground?

    Craig asked almost 2 years ago

    Hi Craig, Thanks for your query. As yet we haven’t received any plans requesting this work to occur on our land. Prior to getting into this sort of detail, we would need to ensure the formal assessment process has been completed, including consideration of all potential social, economic and environmental impacts. This is still to occur. Thanks, Ian

  • With the increased number of vehicles expected to be coming our way, what plans should be made to erect animal saftey barrier fencing to prevent an increase in road kill of our endangered iconic animal species? Such cost may need State Government funding that may well exceed the cost of the trail, perhaps? Can this fencing of the roads up to the great lake, be a condition of the adventure trail going ahead?

    Vivian Small asked almost 2 years ago

    Hi Vivian,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and questions. 

    As I responded to Marye Jane, the proposed Great Lake Adventure Trail will be subject to a formal assessment process that includes consideration of all potential social, economic and environmental impacts. This process has not started as we’ve yet to receive a formal submission. If and when we do start this process, we will provide regular updates via this site. 



  • Not a question but a observation. As someone who has been a waterfront shack owner in Miena for over 20 years and who needs the peace and solitude during the four months of the year I am there, I strongly oppose the trail going right in front of any shacks surrounding the Great Lake. Direct the trail away from these properties and you may find opposition reduces considerably. There will still be the problems with rubbish collection and the like but the visual and audible pollution will be diminished considerably.

    Marye Jane asked almost 2 years ago

    Hi Marye Jane,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and questions. 

    The proposed Great Lake Adventure Trail will be subject to a formal assessment process that includes consideration of all potential social, economic and environmental impacts. This process has not started as we’ve yet to receive a formal submission. If and when we do start this process, we will provide regular updates via this site. 



  • It is suggested that the proposed trail will be constructed below the current splash line , if this is the case why did shack owners have to relocate their shacks some forty years ago? Will the shack owners be receiving compensation for relocating when quite possibly it wasn’t necessary in the first place.

    Shayne asked over 2 years ago

    Hi Shayne,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and questions.

    Our land and waterways are a shared Tasmanian asset and as managers, our role is to consider the needs of all users and where possible, deliver balanced benefits. Every request we receive to use our land or waterways is assessed objectively and equitably- our assessment process considers potential social impacts, such as disruptions to surrounding residents.

    In the 1990s, the State Government gave shack owners in the Central Highlands the opportunity to convert long-term leases to ownerships. As part of that process, some shacks were relocated to prevent damage by wave action and protect owners' properties.

    A final route design for the proposed Great Lake Adventure Trail will be subject to a detailed assessment of potential risks and issues. Similar to all our lakes, new infrastructure should remain outside the Full Supply Level (high water level) to protect those assets.



  • There are too many rules and regulations up here now at the Great Lake, I understand the process the Hydro will use to make a decision but please be well informed of the populations in Derby, Scottsdale, George Town, Maydena, Sheffield, and other regions who are now having to change their life style to allow for a floating population of cyclists who take up resources that are already stretched to the limit. Graffiti, vandalism, rubbish and road hazards will become a major problem. Working in the area I notice the owners of bikes park where they can see their valued possession, and that is always in an area where lake views are or leaning on windows or footpaths , around door ways. etc. An owner of a $ 50,000 or 60,000 dollar 4wd is happy to park outside their accommodation room but a cyclist needs a lock up garage or to take the bike into a room. My question is where will the riders sleep , wash and eat , park and gather to fit in with existing community values?

    Cossie asked over 2 years ago

    Hi Cossie,

    We understand that new ventures can change communities – both positively and negatively. That's why we carefully consider the potential social impacts of all third-party uses of our land and waterways through our assessment process.

    With respect to the proposed Great Lake Adventure Trail, the proponent will be required to provide information on operational aspects such as accommodation and parking, and these details will inform our social impact assessment.



  • Why would hydro consider this proposal? Why not build the trail where it won’t interfere with shack owners?

    Shayne asked over 2 years ago

    Hi Shayne,

    I've answered this question below.



  • Will there be rules and regulations imposed on the lake e.g.. parking, speed limits , access , no entry areas?

    Cossie asked over 2 years ago

    Hi Cossie and thanks for your question. 

    As part of our assessment process, the proponent must outline how the proposed trail would be managed, including aspects such as parking and access arrangements. We will use this information to inform our thinking on potential social, economic and environmental impacts.



  • Not a question, but a message of support for the proposed bike trail around Great Lake. Not only will it boost the number of visitors to the region we love, boost the local economy, but it's incredibly democratic. Anybody can buy a 'dunger' bike from their tip shop and enjoy it.

    Kingfisher asked over 2 years ago

    Hi Kingfisher,

    Thanks for visiting this project site and sharing your views with us. 

    Community feedback is an integral part of our assessment process and we will consider contributions from all stakeholders, including views shared via this project site.  



  • I don't have a question .but I would like to make it known that I and the users of my shack are totally 100 percent opposed to the bike track development .

    asked over 2 years ago

    Hello and thanks for visiting this project site and sharing your views with us. 

    Community feedback is an integral part of our assessment process and we will consider contributions from all stakeholders, including views shared via this project site.  

