Upgrading King Island's Power Network

Project update as of November 2022

Stage 1 and 2 of this project are both complete, you can refer to our Project Timeline (on the right) to see what this entailed.

As some community members and stakeholders are already aware, in August of this year mining company Group 6 Metals (who are reopening the Dolphin Tungsten Mine at Grassy Harbour) decided to generate their own electricity on-site. In essence this meant there was no immediate need to upgrade the power line along Old Grassy Road as initially planned. We paused the project to review the next steps and the community’s needs.

Given the mine is supplying its own electricity, it has been decided the powerline upgrade along Old Grassy Road is no longer required. However, the township of Grassy is expected to see an increase in electricity needs due to the extra population and activity in the area associated with the mine. To safely supply this electricity, some changes will need to be made to the supply route along Grassy Road through Pegarah. This work is currently in the design phase and will ultimately strengthen the supply to Grassy as well as to Naracoopa.

Further engagement with specific landowners may be required and we’ll be in touch with any updates as soon as possible. As with all our operations, potential community and environmental impacts will be considered in the design and delivery of this project. Where possible, we'll look to further adapt or manage project impacts to minimise disruptions for King Island residents, businesses and visitors.

Project Overview

With Stage 1 and 2 now complete, Stage 3 is currently in the design phase and is planned for mid-2023. As more information about Stage 3 becomes available we'll update this website.

The project timeline provides more information about each stage, what has been completed and what is planned next. You can also explore the proposed design using the interactive map below.

Want more info?

Get in touch with Jane or Anneke, or hit the subscribe button to get progress updates direct to your inbox.

Project update as of November 2022

Stage 1 and 2 of this project are both complete, you can refer to our Project Timeline (on the right) to see what this entailed.

As some community members and stakeholders are already aware, in August of this year mining company Group 6 Metals (who are reopening the Dolphin Tungsten Mine at Grassy Harbour) decided to generate their own electricity on-site. In essence this meant there was no immediate need to upgrade the power line along Old Grassy Road as initially planned. We paused the project to review the next steps and the community’s needs.

Given the mine is supplying its own electricity, it has been decided the powerline upgrade along Old Grassy Road is no longer required. However, the township of Grassy is expected to see an increase in electricity needs due to the extra population and activity in the area associated with the mine. To safely supply this electricity, some changes will need to be made to the supply route along Grassy Road through Pegarah. This work is currently in the design phase and will ultimately strengthen the supply to Grassy as well as to Naracoopa.

Further engagement with specific landowners may be required and we’ll be in touch with any updates as soon as possible. As with all our operations, potential community and environmental impacts will be considered in the design and delivery of this project. Where possible, we'll look to further adapt or manage project impacts to minimise disruptions for King Island residents, businesses and visitors.

Project Overview

With Stage 1 and 2 now complete, Stage 3 is currently in the design phase and is planned for mid-2023. As more information about Stage 3 becomes available we'll update this website.

The project timeline provides more information about each stage, what has been completed and what is planned next. You can also explore the proposed design using the interactive map below.

Want more info?

Get in touch with Jane or Anneke, or hit the subscribe button to get progress updates direct to your inbox.