Will the works impact King Island’s unique flora and fauna?
Environmental impacts are being carefully considered and minimised. To ensure we have the right information to inform our decisions, flora and fauna surveys were completed along all proposed stretches of new line.
Stage 1
Following the bird survey we completed for the initial design of this new spur line, we discovered it would impact a nesting shearwater colony, and as a result, we changed the route. Along this line, we will also use a delta conductor configuration which arranges the power lines in a triangular pattern. Unlike the more common flat alignment, this increases the distance between the wires, reducing the risk of bird strike.
Stage 2
Along this stretch, we initially planned to build several new stretches of line to minimise power outages. This idea was put aside when the flora surveys identified they would impact threatened vegetation communities, including the King Island woodland eucalypt. We're now going to upgrade the existing line and we'll work with customers to manage disruptions to their power supply.
Stage 3
As we finalise the design for this stage, we'll take a similarly proactive approach to minimising environmental impacts.
Will the works affect road access?
During works, your journey along Old Grassy and Grassy Harbour roads may take slightly longer than usual.
To keep our staff and road users safe, one lane of traffic will be closed around our work site and access will be managed using temporary traffic lights and signs. If we need to string wires, we may temporarily close both lanes but we'll do our best to keep wait times to 5 minutes.
We'll work with TasPorts to minimise disruptions for Grassy Port traffic.
Will the works affect my power supply?
If you live or work along Old Grassy or Grassy Harbour Roads, this work may disrupt your power supply. We'll be in touch to give you more information on likely timings, duration and assistance options. We'll also provide updates on this project site and via social media.
Read our power outage information page for more general information.
Will you be clearing vegetation?
It is important that trees and shrubs are cleared around power lines to prevent unnecessary power outages and reduce bushfire risks.
During works, we'll undertake routine vegetation clearance around existing lines. Where stretches of new lines are built along Old Grassy Road, new areas of vegetation may need removing but this will be done in consultation with surrounding landowners.
Read our safety page for more general information.